Library/Media Center: Bradt Primary

Bradt Library Page

Library Policy

The library serves over 600 kindergarten, first, and second grade students per week. Students have library class once per week as part of the Specials rotation. First and second grade students may check up to three books out of the library. Kindergarteners are currently checking out one book per week. All materials have a one week circulation period and are due back for the following library class.

Overdue Notices

Overdue notices will be sent home with students. There are no overdue fines or fees. The student’s family will be automatically billed for the replacement cost of all items that become significantly overdue. If there is a problem paying for materials please notify the librarian.

Online Media Catalogs

Serving students in grades K-2
School Hours: 8:20 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.


Bradt Primary
2719 Hamburg Street
Schenectady, NY 12303
Phone: 518.356.8400
Fax: 518.356.8404
Leslie A. Smith, Principal
Savanah Crouch, Library Media Specialist
Jayne Salerno, Library Assistant