Test day for US History Regents exam is June 1

Any student who is enrolled in US History as well as anyone who is in 11th grade or above who still needs to take and pass the US History Regents exam will be testing at the high school on Thursday, June 1, starting at 8 a.m. This Regents exam is a graduation requirement to earn a high school diploma in New York state.

June 1 is a regular day of instruction for all other students. As such, here are some things for students and families to know:

  • Any student arriving for a regular school day will enter via the Main Entrance.
  • For those who have a regular school day, all things will proceed as usual with the exception that the Gym Lobby, the Gymnasium, and the 80s hallway will be closed to all traffic for the day.
  • Any student arriving for testing will enter via the Gym Lobby Entrance.
  • Any student who is testing, will only be testing and will NOT have any classes or other academic responsibilities on June 1.
  • Grab and Go breakfast will be available for purchase in the Gym Lobby.
  • Our security team will collect phones and backpacks in the Gym Lobby. Students who are testing are encouraged to leave electronic devices and backpacks/bags at home. They will not have a regular school day and should not bring typical school items with them. They are permitted to bring pens, pencils, and water in a clear, unlabeled container.
  • The gym, gym lobby, the gym lobby restrooms, and the 80s hallway will be closed for the day.
  • Students who test under regular conditions will be released from testing at approximately 10 a.m. and will be dismissed back through the gym lobby where they will collect their phones and backpacks and be directed out of the building.
  • Mid-day buses will depart approximately 11 a.m.
  • Grab and Go lunch will be available for purchase at the conclusion of the exam.

Again, students who are testing will only be testing, and will not have regular classes and will be dismissed from school upon conclusion of testing.


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